Friday, August 22, 2008

Welcome home?

The Andy Griffith Show... ha, just the good ol' days I reckon'.

So I've been back for two weeks now. My first week back was just a really well enlightening.

A seat far too small for a fourteen hour flight. Cold stale air, that you just know everyone else in the plane has already used. The seatbelt light comes on. Wheels touch the ground. Fresh air enters all everybodies lungs, there's a sense of relief and joy that you get when you land.

It was on the up and up. We/I just landed after being in Australia for an amazing month. God had rocked my world, and brought me home stoked, looking forward to the future. Driving home, we had started the drive home, and was ringing my dad to figure out things for pick up.

Well in the conversation with my dad, he shared with me some family things that had happened while I was away. Just stuff with my mom, kind of shady, but God does all things for our good right? Anyway, all this joy and relief of being home, swiped away. I would have given anything to go back to Australia and be oblivious to what was going down. Not now though, I'm glad to be home. Anyway, ya I'd been home, well not even home, just in the states for lest then two hours and Satan was already doing his works to tear me down after my trip. But God is bigger than that, and we are able to rejoice in him regardless of what situations happen in our lives.

God just reminded me of Job, and Hosea, and David, and countless others that endured just really cruddy stuff. But God is faithful and worthy of our praise regardless.

Dead grass, smokey air, a climate change. I was tired and feeling sick, and just weighted with this news.

Detox. Sleep. American food. American water. A lot of prayer. Lengthy conversations with family members.

Life was different. Chapter 2008-2009 has started. This might be kind of sad, but no worries there's good in it. There's joy and praise. I'm excited to be home, looking forward to movement and new ministries, and college. New friends. Well it's good hard to deal with my mom situation but God does have it in control.

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